The Role of Ulama Mysticism in The National Political Movement in Java Year 1825-2011


  • Dr. Ma’mun Mu’min, M.Ag. M.Si. M.Hum High School of Islamic Religious Sunan Kudus


Ulama, Sufism, Mysticism, Movement, Politics, National


This study entitled: The role of ulama mysticism in the national political movement in Java year 1825-2011. The title proposed for the following reasons: In general negative views of scholars of islamic sufism plunge in practical politics, because in their view of scholars of Sufism must be free from muru'ah behavior and should wara'i and free from intrigue and dirty behavior as much happening in practical politics. This view of course is true, because the theoretical sufism is a path taken by the salik to purify the human spiritual element to draw closer to Allah by close as possible and restrict you from the bustle of earthly life. But in fact, the scholars of sufism in Java, many were deeply involved in practical politics, such as engaging in Diponegoro War (1825-1830), Banten peasant revolt (1888), the rebellion ningrat and ulama in Sumenep, Madura (1890), mutiny on Gedangan (1904), Tasikmalaya people rebellion (1940-1944), the scholars of sufism in the uprising expelled the Dutch colonialists in Java (1942), resistance ulama sufism in expel Japanese occupation of Java (1945), sufism clerical involvement in politics in Orde Lama (1945-1968), sufism clerical involvement in politics in the New Order period (1968-1998), and the involvement of scholars of sufism in practical politics in the reform era (1998). From these explanations seems there is a very clear distinction between scholars of sufism theoretically with scholars of sufism factually role in practical politics. To uncover this problem, researchers used historical method with multi perspectives, such as the theological, sociological, political, and anthropological. This research will be found: The concept of practical political movements according to scholars of Sufism, the relationship between the concept of sufism with politics according to scholars of sufism, the expected goals scholars of sufism in the movement of practical politics, the role of scholars of sufism in the national political movement, genealogy college sufism middle-eastern archipelago-Java, sufism college history, and the role of scholars of sufism as a religious leader. From this research can also support the development of several courses at UIN, IAIN and STAIN, such as courses Science Mysticism, Sufism Moral, Political Islam and Sufism Capita Selecta.




How to Cite

Dr. Ma’mun Mu’min, M.Ag. M.Si. M.Hum. (2019). The Role of Ulama Mysticism in The National Political Movement in Java Year 1825-2011. Journal of Asian Islamic Higher Institutions, 4(1), 1–33. Retrieved from